Learn step by step what is an effective motivation and how you can achieve your goals
It seemed you could ever, that you're made for something better than what it currently do? That you probably have not used, a hidden talent that you buried deep in one of its internal drawers? Perhaps you think "No, no, I was not created to do great things and great achievements." You can continue to live in such conviction, hoping that "Maybe one day things will change ... maybe not ..." or take matters into their own hands.book you have in front of him was written by a Pole - Nicodemus Marshall, who has had a wealth of experience - both good, warm and uplifting, and difficult and that make odechciewa to live ... After many years of struggle for survival, and appreciate a decent salary, Nicodemus understand what is a key element to achieving success for small and large: it is MOTIVATION.
"Initially skeptical, I referred to another publication on the motivation. After reading my opinion of this book has changed dramatically. It is obvious that the author knows what he writes. And what I liked best - all the proposed solutions and ideas are very ethical. I would recommend. "
- New Year's Eve Oskwarek , from four years working in a management position.
"The book is fantastic. Written in plain, intelligible language. I read in my life so much. Books positive thinking. Books are different, for example, about the potential that exists in our subconscious, worry about and its effects ... but really all they sought to motivate ... books were generally written by Americans. They were great, but not quite appeal to the imagination , because even the examples were from the "backyard" of the U.S. and had little to do with our reality, which involuntarily distancing the reader from the substance and makes treated them like a novel ...
Mr. Nicodemus Marshall described his thoughts and experiences as simple and easy that even someone suspicious comes to such subjects, if only given a chance and reached for this book definitely would be a different man. I myself think I'm pretty good when it comes to the theory (perhaps because of all these books read) but it is difficult for me to translate to normal daily life. But I'm working on myself and despite the many days of "lost" when I do not want, and surrender to such bezsensownemu "doing nothing" more often manage to mobilize and achieve goals that I started to put in front of him. The book according to me, deserves the highest possible rating. Greetings to the author. "
Mr. Nicodemus Marshall described his thoughts and experiences as simple and easy that even someone suspicious comes to such subjects, if only given a chance and reached for this book definitely would be a different man. I myself think I'm pretty good when it comes to the theory (perhaps because of all these books read) but it is difficult for me to translate to normal daily life. But I'm working on myself and despite the many days of "lost" when I do not want, and surrender to such bezsensownemu "doing nothing" more often manage to mobilize and achieve goals that I started to put in front of him. The book according to me, deserves the highest possible rating. Greetings to the author. "
- Marzenna Kwiatkowska, I am the owner of the accounting office.
Give yourself a chance to discover long-buried dreams and ambitions
Do not tell me unless you had as a child dreams of of who will be in the future? Or starting school do not you wondered how to roll your professional fate? Remember - every passion, even the one which you think is "silly" is nasionkiem your personal happiness and success. You only find them now, and daily watering! Probably not you even realize how much this will help you in this book.
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Chłodnickiego Matthew, who had listened to an audiobook:
"Even before we published this audiobook, I decided to test it in practice - on the road. I listened to him while driving between Poznan and Gliwice. Did not even notice how quickly time has passed me on the road. Not only that - just this audiobook, it's so motivating to work with it, with still in the process of listening to the head should come to me a few ideas to implement! "
How adequate motivation will help you achieve these goals?
Why are so many people fail on the way to its goal? give up, unable to overcome the obstacles, internal resistance. What they lack is the motivation and above all the ability to motivate himself to relate to life personal success.
It is this ability to motivate yourself, or if you like, "fire the internal flame to action" that decides who finishes his way to success and who will stop at her without moving. big myth is the idea that the ability to motivate yourself is only for the few. Since this is a skill you can learn it. Such authorities as Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and Robert Kiyosaki are proof of this. Author
guide "Motivation without borders" , Nicodemus Marshall, a specialist in the field of motivation, which is for over 6 years. During this period he learned directly from leaders such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Dexter Yager, Dr.. Denis Waitley, in Poland, however, still promotes the courses related to personal development for direct selling companies, and insurance companies. He is also the motivation of athletes and students.
his personal mentor and a consultant was the same Robert Kiyosaki, in which he gained during the personal meetings of valuable knowledge, which is successfully used in life and in business.
can hear this anecdote? his personal mentor and a consultant was the same Robert Kiyosaki, in which he gained during the personal meetings of valuable knowledge, which is successfully used in life and in business.
A reporter asked Arnold Schwarzenegger is how he managed to achieve success in bodybuilding and as an actor in Hollywood. Without hesitation, the Schwarzenegger replied: "Ride!" That was all ...
Actually people who "rush", make the most fantastic things in life, the perfect question is: "how to do it?" Want to learn how to gain such momentum? Another time you can discover: How move on and gain momentum to achieve your goals?
What habits make people successful and become richer, and how to "acquire" these habits?
How to move with confidence in his own way, and rediscover it?
why some people, managers, leaders achieve success faster than others?
If you are interested in these issues, a guide "Motivation without borders" undoubtedly is created for you. Since it was written after you every day "had fuel" to become a better person. The man who achieves his objectives.
You stand before an important choice: Who want to be?
first parable: 'parable about how one day the house was planted egg of an eagle. Eagle hatched with the other chickens, and that he was convinced that it is a chicken ... so he lived like a chicken, eat like a chicken, slept like a chicken and think like a chicken ... Because I knew no other life. And once during one of those chicken operations saw a beautiful bird in the sky, which the majesty of gliding in the sky. The enthusiasm was staring at the silhouette of a bird and seemed to him so beautiful that he could not tear from her eye. He wanted to like the bird in the sky to feel this wonderful freedom. Hen asked, standing next to what is there in the sky? This is an eagle, the king of the skies! But I do not think about it more ... You'll never fly so you do not, you're after a hen. Well, I'm just chicken - he sighed poor eagle. I've never tried to look up. He lived and died like a chicken like a chicken ... In the belief that it is everything that life could give him ... "second parable: "young people stole the eagle from its nest to grab it by a chain to a tree in the garden. At first the bird defended himself, but over time he resigned and surrendered himself to his fate. One day I spotted circling high in the clouds of another eagle. He moved in circles, every day lower and closer to the trapped bird. muśnięciu The young eagle's wings, he felt in himself so powerful that it broke away from the stem, to which he was chained and flew off toward the blue sky. "
And you who want to be: Eagle or chicken?
If an eagle, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the publication of "Motivation without borders" , which is a collection of practical tips from the top shelf. Contains the practical advice and ways to motivate yourself and descriptions of methods that can be used to rise up. Is the inspiration arising from an exploration of the mysteries of motivation by the author based on personal experiences and secrets of people like Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Robert Kyosaki, Brian Tracy and many others. Nicodemus
Marshal in the guide "Motivation without borders" asking important Questions: - Can you afford to live in poverty?
- Do you have so much time to stand still?
And as always, said: choice is yours
"(...) I have to say honestly that best book that I read is" MOTIVATION WITHOUT BORDERS " It was thanks to her I understood a lot in his life. It's terrible when so young man meets depression. The feeling is simply indescribable, and no person who did not survive This can not understand is simply not able to comprehend. Such suffering, pain, hurt. the whole world just drops you on the head with a bang and pain. It's hard to get out, but it is worth trying.
I was a psychologist and nothing ... is nothing I could not. Talking with friends, but a little man in this state is "not" who would not say what. One day I was looking for help on the internet just because I wanted to help myself, I was looking and looking ... Lots of reading, and finally I found the answer on someone else's man list that recommends the book MOTIVATION WITHOUT BORDERS (..) I'm glad of that, this book fascinated me.
I read it in one evening, despite the fact that my eyes hurt me like that but I had to read it so sucked that I could not believe that any book could have me so interested. Many understood immediately began to change his life. A few tips and it was no easier. began again to look at the world and the environment. I am glad that my depression did not last too long, that it is thanks to this book. Today, with the laugh [with my then state]. I recommend to all:) and I warmly greet ... "
I was a psychologist and nothing ... is nothing I could not. Talking with friends, but a little man in this state is "not" who would not say what. One day I was looking for help on the internet just because I wanted to help myself, I was looking and looking ... Lots of reading, and finally I found the answer on someone else's man list that recommends the book MOTIVATION WITHOUT BORDERS (..) I'm glad of that, this book fascinated me.
I read it in one evening, despite the fact that my eyes hurt me like that but I had to read it so sucked that I could not believe that any book could have me so interested. Many understood immediately began to change his life. A few tips and it was no easier. began again to look at the world and the environment. I am glad that my depression did not last too long, that it is thanks to this book. Today, with the laugh [with my then state]. I recommend to all:) and I warmly greet ... "
- Kamila worm, I have worked as a clerk. I am 21 years old.
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