Friday, November 19, 2010

Sample Anniversary Notes

Speech and Body Success

As with personal change
shaped body language and become a leader?

If you have 10 minutes of free time during the day, I guarantee you that within a week (or less) will learn how to analyze body language of the caller, to read his thoughts.

Dear prospective students of body language arts, before you write, how you can learn reading skills in mind, knowing that soon:
  • will gain control over your mind, body and emotions.
  • With each day you changed and became the one you want to be.
  • will you be able to understand another human being and to achieve an advantage in negotiations

    and much more ... First, however, know the facts to help you understand the importance of body language and how much advantage it gives you the knowledge and awareness:
  • 99% of the reviews about people develops within the first 90 seconds of contact. This means that non-verbal messages (movements, gestures, manner of speaking) have the greatest impact on what other people think about us.
  • anthropologist Albert Mehrabian discovered that when people talk to each other, only 7% of the information transmit words, 38% - and vocal up 55% - body language (non-verbal behavior). Similar results were obtained American psychologist Ray Birdwhistell. His research shows that direct conversations with 35% of information comes from the words and
    65% of what "we say" another speech of his body.

Also available as a special version of Sound - audiobook +

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    Nominacja Książka Audio Roku 2008 Audiobook has been nominated to contest Audio book of the year 2008!

    inaugurating the event which is the precedent Audio Book of the Year, and the Library analysis guided by the idea of \u200b\u200bhighlighting and promoting the most valuable audio books on the Polish market.

    This is the first event of its kind in Poland, which corresponds to the dynamic growth in the popularity of audio books, and recognizes the most valuable of the spoken word recordings issued by local publishers.
Preview this audio version (audiobook) "Speech of the Body and the success of"

Speech Body and Luke Milewski in TVP2. See

How can you use body language
in everyday life?

I wonder what would happen if you knew how to behave, to always make a good impression others. Whether it is a boss at work, a colleague from the school or the person who you like, you would know what to do to be seen as a strong and confident. Just because you know how to use body language.
From now on, every time when you will know a new person with knowledge of the secrets of body language will able to make (through gestures, posture) that you loved.
It will be easier to communicate with your loved ones, because you'll be able to read their body language what they feel.
help to prevent situations where by their unconscious behavior (eg, a move that could be mistakenly read) you can be badly rated and already on the grid to form a bad opinion.
Łukasz Milewski

this ebooku you reveal all the secrets of body language to help you in everyday life.

You'll learn:
  • using body language to make the person you recognize, you are loved and accepted
    ? (This is especially important on the first day at school or at the interview) - Page 79
  • What one factor in speaking of your body is the most important influence on how people perceive you? - Page 92
  • What gestures and behavior suggest that the person you are talking to, can not lie? - Pages 138-141
  • Are there people who can lie with impunity and never be detected (even with a detector lies)? - Page 137
  • That you can not miss: How to cheat a polygraph with the big toe
    in feet (a method invented by scientists)? - Page 137
  • How much can be learned from Charlie Chaplin's body language? - Page 24
"Knowledge, which is passed Lukasz Milewski in your e-booku, this is what you need in your work. I work in the MLM system and would recommend this book to all who wish to increase their effectiveness. This is practical knowledge that meant that I look at people differently and changed the way
chat. I recommend it to anyone who wants to succeed. "
Szubarczyk Marian, 58 years, working with Lifestyles of the Director of the National
  • Can humans detect lies as effectively as a polygraph (considering only the speech body)? - Page 135
  • How to get rid of guilt after niezrobieniu something that should have been done? - The 1956-1959
  • As in 3 steps to get rid of stress, only working the neck and eyes? - The 1948-1954
  • What is the precise meaning of language specific parts of the body, such as: head, mouth, eyes, arms, feet, lips, hands, feet or tongue? - Pages 143-154
  • Which parts of the face NOT look to your caller can not sit you for arrogance? - Pages 100-111
  • seven elements that you can improve yourself, to better get along with people - the 1981-1983
"I'm longer a man with quite a big experience in life - but after reading this book, I experienced something which I would call nostalgia - why not teach the educational system, although the basis of body language? After all, a man aware of some of their behavior can be a life
efficient, more effective, and yet, after reading such a position, aware of its shortcomings. This awareness is a signpost where to go, to work on the development of his personality. I strongly recommend anyone who wants to change things, improve
in your life. "
Bogdan Marczak, Engineer, working hard to develop his personality.
  • As in 8 steps to eliminate anxiety before an important meeting or exam and gain confidence? - Page 115
  • How important is the tone of your voice to communicate with others and how to use Tarzan
    exercises and other exercises deepen the tone of your voice? - Pages 101-106
  • What to consider when analyzing the body language? - Page 132
  • What most shapes your body language?
  • 10 elements of your body that affect the body language (eg, skin, urinary) - Page 1936-1939
  • 6 types of body language we use - the 1931-1935
"This publication I think, is one of the most valuable in this regard. Many books circulating about this subject is given, not going into the heart of the matter. The author of this book "opens our eyes" on it, why they do behave. Justify the profound nature of human behavior and also gives them a reason. For this reason, it is possible to change our behavior. After the exercises proposed by the author expects us only one thing: SUCCESS - and in the full sense of the word. Therefore, the position is particularly recommendable to all those who wish in life to continue their development to perfection, and thus achieve success always and everywhere, be a winner in every situation in life. my opinion, this book has all the qualities which authorizes him to the title of world's best-seller in this regard. "
Strzys Hubert, 53 years, education higher educational

When already know all these intriguing issues
, you'll be able to:

  • Use body language in such a way that the person you are talking, you are more loved.
  • Recognize, and body language if someone's lying to you.
  • Use body language in such a way by which you will be perceived as a confident and open to others.
"Super book! It reads easily and pleasantly. Many interesting and practical information with which we every day, but we can not always correctly read the ... "
Tymuszkin Thomas, a graduate of Gdańsk AWFiS

  • Recognize the movements of the gestures, which will probably mean the person you're talking to?
  • Get rid of the stress associated with major events such as the exam interview.
  • Doing a better impression on people he met, and to arouse their sympathy.
Just think how much better would your relationships with others through all of this information. Additionally discovering what the various gestures and movements, fine to you at this fun .
From the author
Speech Body - Body Language, or otherwise - in our country is becoming increasingly popular. This makes the Speech Body language is no longer prestigious and accessible, as yet, only for those who are most in the social hierarchy (politicians, businessmen), but also for those who simply want to communicate better with people.

3 Responses to frequently asked questions about
Speech Body:

  • Can I use body language, to know if anyone is interested in us?
When we are interested in something or someone, you can see it primarily in our eyes (for example, extending the pupils), as well as reducing the physical distance in relation to the object of interest. There are also many other distinctive characters, but it is important not to generalize. Some people may be very close to each other and express their interest in
in very subtle ways.
Therefore the best way to learn the general "feel" the body language - that is, analyzing the most visible signs and then focus on dociekaniu, which may mean the behavior.
interesting: Did you know that poker player when he gets
card to match the rest, immediately
unconsciously extends pupils?
  • Can I prevent that the question of our body was picked up wrongly?
Yes. With the knowledge and awareness of what individual gestures can mean to others, you can avoid misunderstandings arising from bad to read our body language. This requires some basic knowledge, through which is to be aware what individual gestures can mean to other people.
  • why when looking for work so often draws attention to the body language of candidates? Is it about self-confidence and so. communication skills, can recruit specialists are able to read us something more?
During the interview the person given a request is experiencing very high stress, and it is difficult then to show its determination and communication skills, which are taken into account when selecting employees. It is therefore important to know and learn a which gestures or attitudes make that we will look more open, communicative and confident - even lived stress.

Take the opinion of the expert:

If you passed by the thought that this e-book is the next release of the so-called. body language, then ... as quickly as possible get rid of such thoughts. I myself am a great skeptic to what is traditionally and is commonly referred to as body language, but this is what Luke wrote, is quite another thing.

E-book of Luke is an extremely solid dose of practical knowledge that makes an extraordinary gain control over their emotions and the emotions and feelings of other people. You will gain knowledge, which is certainly one of the cornerstones of success in many areas of your life.

I highly recommend "body language, and the success of" It will be read not only very informative but also extremely interesting, and even downright engaging. This e-book may change forever your views on body language.

Peter M . Łabuz
President of the Polish Association of NLP Trainers

sum up to the end, which includes the ebook:

  • interesting life stories and examples to help you better understand the use of body language.
  • 17 different exercises, so that you will learn include: how to get rid of stress before an important event, how to improve the tone of his voice, and many other exercises that article at your skills useful in everyday life.
  • 161 pages filled to the brim with practical knowledge you can use right away.
Here is an excerpt of one of the many parties with interesting examples of the importance of body language, what you find in this ebooku:

Note that the 27 gold is really not enough for the advantage they give you an understanding of body language of others (at work, school, on a date). Think how much time and money you would have paid to read all the other books on body language, which in addition are written in a difficult academic language? This book contains only the most important tips and exercises to help you learn the secrets of body language not accessible to everyone.


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