Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is Pooing Alot A Pregnancy Symtom

The moment ... NULL

The moment,
When you see him / her Struggle with life,

The moment
When you see him / her cry helplessly in front of you,

The Moment
When you know he / she in pain,
yet you just can only stare helplessly at him / her.

The moment,
when you know he/she is suffering inside but yet still smile at you,
showing how strong but yet fragile side of him/her

The moment,
when you saw tears fall down his/her eyes,
you eyes also become teary.

During that moment,
your heart feel like burning,
you also in pain, you want to share the agony with him/her,
you think about the pain that trouble him/her more than anyone
just admit it,
part of your heart has been with him/her...
Succesfully been stolen.


this Entry?
why I was so callous in this morning?
=.= "

Picas peneutral think
not choke on all those anak2 O ~

''Beauty is in The Eye of the Beholder "

p / s: tebiat throw up in the morning!
we go home le wei moh ~

What Is Lapoma On Feet

empty feeling inside after a few things
away from life ~
do not want to go back to?
* except paper hemato / onco, please re ~ yg laen

but an empty feeling last siyes abes exam today,
to levels not want to know wat ape dah ni ha ~
ape going to do tonight ni ape ek ~ ek ~
mmm ~
  • tgk story to black? Bored! ~
  • not want the story to read the book finished? Baek ish ~ ~ I read toxico
  • g stir its people? org laen anak2 all came out and berpoya2 ~
  • out? takmo la ... the best room duk ~ g
  • cite donlod library connected? AHHAHA ... ye shall throw tebiat ~
woii NI DO WHAT!
waaaaa ~

p / s:
with takburnya want to say ~
papaer onco said today leh .. yeay! ^ __ ^
unless soklan no
1-7 ~ tu ~ soklan into raisins
=.= "
bapakla not want to answer best!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free Set Frequency Inindian Channel Italy

Selly UFO was only a high school graduate loh ....

far reported, the alleged fraud case Selly Yulistiawaty Rasellya alias Rahman Taher (25) is a graduate of the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung. However, in fact, she was pretty flawless in high school graduates. Selly only got to lecture a few months.

"Selly was only until high school. Nah never got out of college," said father Selly, Yusral Rohbani (52), Wednesday (03/30/2011) at Bogor City Police. Yusral revealed, since graduating high school practical Selly own life. "He really had said college in Bandung, but I know where baseball is baseball because he lived with me again but I finished only a few months," said Yusral.
Yusral During the stay at home, Selly just like a normal teenager. There is no incongruity whatever in nature. "In high school he was fine," said Yusral.

are high school graduates Muhammadiyah 18, Cipulir, South Jakarta. A school friend Selly, Ramdhan Alam, who is now also a lawyer admitted former staff Selly HRD Hotel Gran Mahakam is a sociable person and well-liked peers. "When high school friend he was and still is, and he was actively involved student council. But baseball never any cases like this now, if juvenile delinquency, for example using school money for snacks, well yes it is normal," said Alam.

Selly (25), a widow with this one it's already been the target of police and a fugitive since March 2010. Selly known staged fraud by buying and selling mode phones and pulses in various cities such as Bogor, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, to get caught in Denpasar, Bali. The name "The Pretender Selly Ulung" was flying on Facebook and Kaskus, from there caught a lot of fraud victims hit by a woman from South Jakarta.

In launching its action, Selly offer business investment pulses with very cheap price. He asked the victim to send money if you want to do business pulse. Once money is sent, Selly swallowed by the earth is lost Tub carried off the money shipment. In addition to deceiving the pulse mode and mobile phone business, in 2009, Selly had confessed Compass-I as a journalist and eventually cheat to $ 30 million on the pretext of borrowing money.

Also in Kompas, Selly reportedly once worked at the Hotel Gran Mahakam. There, Selly action is also done by borrowing money from friends sekantornya. Two months based at the Hotel Gran Mahakam, Selly also disappeared immediately carried off the money it borrowed.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soap Notesoccupational Therapyexamples

This twin nih Bung Karno Stadium, Origin

This twin nih ....
Luzhniki Stadium

In 1956 Bung Karno state visit to the Soviet Union. Indonesia when it was relatively close to the Eastern Bloc countries. Bung Karno had made a speech at the Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, in front of hundreds of thousands of Moskow.Sovyet, Bung Karno said the time was, "You are far away in the sight but close at heart." Returning from the Soviet
, Bung Karno wish to build similar to the Luzhniki stadium. Hence designed this stadium. Budget construction on the Soviet debt of U.S. $ 12.5 million disbursed in 1958 new. Russian news agency, RIA Novosti, in his article claims that the construction of Flue Karno Stadium, also involving the Soviet architects and artisans of the Soviet buildings.

Apart from the Old Order, the name of this stadium converted into the Senayan Stadium. One aim is to eliminate the 'smells' of Sukarno. Name Bung Karno finally 'back' on reforms through presidential decree.

Detox Withdrawls From Aspartame

Mbah Google

google founders are two Ph.D. students from Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They set up google ditanggal 7 September 1998 is still privately held diversified company. They announced a funding source for $ 25juta in June 1999 cover of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. then they both opened the public offering ditanggal August 19, 2004 as a public company managed to raise $ 1.67 billion and then making it worth $ 23 billion through various types of new product development.

google to this very day so many enticing its users because google has a mission to deliver the search experience on the Internet is the best by realizing that the world's information accessible and useful other than the search engines (search engine) Google also has many other services so that more than 1.3 billion web pages have been accessed by google that deliver results that are relevant to all users across the globe less than half a second and now Google has responded to more than 100 million search queries per day. is a brilliant achievement, in just short period prusahaan google has managed to become the largest in the world of the Internet that provides the world's largest search service, offering speed, ease of finding information on the Internet based on page rank and so forth.

Meaning of google itself is actually a play on the word 'googol', which is used by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, to mention the number 1 and has 100 zeros behind. Google uses this word in explaining the company's mission to organize so much information available on the Internet and the world.

PageRank google can display a very objective measurement of the level of web pages and is measured by how to solve an equation with 500 million variables with more than 2 billion conditions. PageRank uses the vast link structure as in an organizational structure. In essence, Google interprets a link from Page A to Page B as a "vote" by page A for page B. Google assess the importance of web pages based on the votes obtained. Google also analyzes the page that you are voting.

Ditahun of 2004, Google launched its free web-based email service called Gmail features spam filtering technology with a highly sophisticated system and also use technology to search email. Google's success continues with the success of display relevant ads through Google Adwords are included in the content of email messages displayed on the screen.

In early 2006, Google launched Google Video to allow users and spreaders distribute media content freely. can also display the television programs, games, video clip and so forth. and in August 2007 as an outcome statistics from google web search engine is the most commonly used by market share of 53.6%, followed by Yahoo and Live Search12 19.9%, 9%. In addition to technology as the search engine Google has also used technology Web searches on other search services, including Image Search, Google News, the price comparison site Google Product Search, an interactive Google Groups Usenet archive, Google Maps, Google Eart and others.

source :

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When You Get Black Particles In Urine

Catfish Larvae Treatment and Care

This process is what we call the process of separating. The process of separating the target harvest sizes 5-6 take approximately 40 days. Explanation step by step treatment are as follows:

    Stage day 1-4
  1. after hatching: Nursing seed catfish at this stage as I alluded to earlier is the flow of water (small volume) do not forget to be given mesh pipe hole when the water came out fine for not carrying out the seeds. Also you can add fertilising plankton in the water (for fertilising plankton you can buy in the stores or make your own fishing). At this stage do not need to seed catfish feed given first because the source is still full of catfish nutrition from yolk (egg yolk) catfish seed itself
  2. Stage days 5-15
  3. after hatching: At this stage seed catfish fed with a silk worm. How to feed pretty with the spread of silk worms in the bottom of the pool alone or with a mortar placed no place like the land. Period of worms is to check if already running out please add a new worm. During days 1-15 try to check the cleanliness of the water extract of the pond. Check the water covers the smell, and dirt in the pool. If the water has smelled bad and debris buildup you can do quite a lot of water reduction by 50% with the small tube is then filled again with new water and by doing siphon the water bottom using a small hose.
  4. Phase Day 15-25:
  5. At this stage I call the stage may be a fairly busy and need more monitoring. Feeding at this stage has the form of powder pellets (please start from day 14-15 begin to be given a little pellet powder as a transition period of feed introduction.) The food can be done about 4 times a day. the dose on the theory usually around 20% - 30% of the existing seed bimass. but the method I took was adlibitum method (the method is a method adlibitum pemeberian eat will gradually but continuously, the dose of each feeding behavior seen from the seedlings when they are not so respond to the current feeding was stopped). At this stage also begun to be seen when the seed density catfish pond looks very solid so you can reduce the density to be moved some of the new pool. Seser removal methods can fine or even by flowing water (with a small hose) from the pool of new seeds and allow seedlings kekolam follow the flow of water.
  6. Phase Day 25-30:
  7. At this stage pemeberian pellet feed grains have small size (size F-1000). Feeding 4 times a day (morning-afternoon-evening-night). To apply the method of feeding my adlibitum system. Perkelan food should be done from day to 24-25. In this period if necessary you can move the seedlings into the new pool (if the old pool was dirty) and also started the selection of seed catfish to avoid competition in the population and not uniform seed size.
  8. Phase Day 30-40:
  9. At this point check the size of seedlings should be more frequently performed, while many are not uniform you can do the selection again. selection should be done in the morning or late afternoon to reduce stress levels during the selection process. The food at this stage still with F-1000 and could begin to increase the size of the F-999. Entering the 40th day you can begin to harvest size 5-6.
A description of the making of fertilising plankton themselves, how to transfer seed catfish, catfish seedling selection of ways and I will explain in more detail in my next post thank you and good luck.

Flu Itchy Palms And Feet

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
After a while refreshing with a post "from a different topic now refocus on the topic of fish. Previous stage we have discussed about the requirements for the location and how to choose good breeders. In this thapan I will discuss on how the breeding of catfish. Breeding methods we will study this time is the entry level of spawning method (traditional method), but do not worry even though the method still beginner stage but with a genuine business results obtained seed will be plentiful. The method that I have to say here based on some references that I learned and also based on breeding practices that I have done.

The steps we need to do include:

Selection of sires, sires to how elections could be seen on my previous post. Pick a breeding male and one female tail which is really in accordance with the criteria that I have to say. (For certain circumstances such as breeding females that are too small then you can change the ratio of 1 male: 1 female to 1 male: 2 females).
After the selection phase is completed enter the broodstock catfish in ponds that had been given kakaban (can be fibers, palm leaves or even tile soil) and filled with water of about 30 cm. Make the process of selection and placement in the pool in the afternoon between the hours of 3 to 5 pm (this is intended to allow breeders to adapt to his new environment terhadapa night before spawning day.
  1. Spawning process will occur in the period between midnight until early morning. To keep in mind during the parent was in the pool spawning catfish do not feed as it can memcu stress.
  2. Let the parent catfish during a night on the spawning pond and you can check the pool at about 5 o'clock in the morning until six o'clock. if successful spawning process will seem small granules creamy attached to the fibers. Usually each broodstock catfish healthy and good will mengelurkan eggs between 20,000 to 30,000 eggs per kg body weight females.
  3. The next step is taking broodstock from the spawning pond. Intake of breeders can use seser provided as calm as possible so that breeders do not do a lot of movement that can damage the egg in the vicinity (there are several methods that allow breeders males remain in the pool until a certain age, but the method that I practice is to capture all sires)
  4. Parent catfish that has taken the place in a separate pool (do not dicapur with other catfish broodstock). That is because the spawning process requires considerable energy, so the parent catfish in a weak condition and risky attacked by other catfish broodstock.
  5. Back on the eggs that are spawning pool. Catfish ponds containing eggs should begin to be running water to supply oxygen to the water (because the hatching process requires oxygen, it is also the underlying water for spawning only 30 cm so that the diffusion of oxygen from the air can help the process of hatching.
  6. After 1-3 days usually catfish eggs will begin to hatch into larvae that colored transparent catfish. hatching process will take place gradually takes 2-3 days
  7. After the incubation process is complete you can take kakaban located in the pool by way of making a little shaken "it so no catfish larvae attached / carried dikakaban (kakaban making necessary so as not to arise against the fungus that causes the larvae attacked kakaban and mushrooms)
  8. Catfish larvae have hatched do not need to be fed until the age of 4 days because the range in the span of the availability of food for the larvae are still dipenihi by yolk (egg yolk) from the larva itself.
  9. For the next phase I will discuss in SEED STAGE MAINTENANCE catfish.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Douching While Having Herpes

Catfish Spawning Catfish Seed Treatment and Care

Figure 1. Swimming Pendedera

Figure 2. Silk Worms Giving
day 1-4 after hatching
    Nursing catfish seedlings at this stage as I alluded to earlier is the flow of water (small volume) do not forget to be given mesh pipe hole when the water came out fine for not carrying out the seeds. Also you can add fertilising plankton in the water (for fertilising plankton you can buy in the stores or make your own fishing). At this stage do not need to seed catfish feed given first because the source is still full of catfish nutrition from yolk (egg yolk) catfish seed itself
  1. Stage day 5-15 after hatching
  2. : At this stage the seedlings were given a feed catfish silk worms. How to feed pretty with the spread of silk worms in the bottom of the pool alone or by being placed no place like a mortar land. Period of worms is to check if already running out please add a new worm. During days 1-15 try to check the cleanliness of the water extract of the pond. Check the water covers the smell, and dirt in the pool. If the water has smelled bad and debris buildup you can do quite a lot of water reduction by 50% with the small tube is then filled again with new water and by doing siphon the water bottom using a small hose.
  3. day Stage 15-25
  4. : At this stage I call the stage may be a fairly busy and need more monitoring. Feeding at this stage has the form of powder pellets (please start from day 14-15 begin to be given a little pellet powder as a transition period of feed introduction.) The food can be done about 4 times a day. the dose on the theory usually around 20% - 30% of the existing seed bimass. but the method I took was adlibitum method (the method is a method adlibitum pemeberian eat will gradually but continuously, the dose of each feeding behavior seen from the seedlings when they are not so respond to the current feeding was stopped). At this stage also begun to be seen when the seed density catfish pond looks very solid so you can reduce the density to be moved some of the new pool. Seser removal methods can fine or even by flowing water (with a small hose) from the pool of new kekolam seeds and allow seedlings to follow the flow of water.
  5. day Stage 25-30
  6. : At this stage pemeberian pellet feed grains have small size (size F-1000). Feeding 4 times a day (morning-afternoon-evening-night). To apply the method of feeding my adlibitum system. Perkelan food should be done from day to 24-25. In this period if necessary you can move the seedlings into the new pool (if the old pool was dirty) and also started the selection of seed catfish to avoid competition in the population and not uniform seed size.
  7. Phase days to 30-40
  8. : At this point check the size of seedlings should be more frequently performed, as many are not uniform you can do the selection again. selection should be done in the morning or late afternoon to reduce stress levels during the selection process. The food at this stage still with F-1000 and could begin to increase the size of the F-999.
  9. Entering the 40th day you can begin to harvest size 5-6.
  10. Explanation of fertilising plankton own making, how to transfer seed catfish, catfish seedling selection of ways and I will explain in more detail in my next post thank you and good luck

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Con For Selling Organs

Make blur effect on the menu

If you make a button for the tabs own home, guest book, etc sometimes it's not lengakap when highlighted does not occur if any effect, this time I wanted to share about how easy to make a button we have the blur effect when it will be clicked on, for more details, see the comparison below: 1. Keys without blur effect (direction of your mouse right on the home button keboen fish)

2. Buttons with blur effects (once again point your mouse at the home button keboen fishes below)

. Button_x img {filter: alpha (opacity = 100);-moz-opacity: 1.0; opacity: 1.0; border: 0;} . button_x: hover img {filter: alpha (opacity = 50);-moz-opacity: 0.50; opacity: 0.50; border: 0;}. button_xxtra: hover img {filter: alpha (opacity = 0.50);-moz-opacity: 0.50; opacity : 0.50; border: 0;}

Bagaminana interested to try it? really easy way to stay just follow the way "the following: By:

. button_x
img {filter: alpha (opacity = 100);
-moz-opacity: 1.0;
opacity: 1.0;
border: 0;}

. button_x: hover img {
filter: alpha (opacity = 50

); -moz-opacity: 0.50; opacity: 0.50; border:0; }
.button_xxtra:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.50;
opacity: 0.50;

<a class="button_x" href="
"><img src="

URL_IMAGE_KAMU " title=" By: " alt=" By: " width="130" height="50" /></a> <a class="button_x" href=" URL_LINK_KETIKA_TOMBOL_DIKLIK "> \u0026lt;Img src ="
URL_IMAGE_KAMU "title =" By: "alt =" By: "width =" 130 "height =" 50 "/> \u0026lt;/ a> You live copy the script above then add the gadget (at page element), select HTML / javascript, then paste that code over there," For the number 50 is the opacity of the color red can you set yourself ( 0-100). For URL Link is a destination url when the button is clicked. And Url Image is the URLs of the image that you are using. To add a button (let me stay in the copy aja lined continued from \u0026lt;a. ... sampa \u0026lt; / a> then paste it under \u0026lt;/ a> that there dah. Okeh Salvation try ....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Substitute Of Olimelt Without Side Effect

blog Firefox 4 Finally Released

fter S-awaited beta version since last year, the final version of the Firefox browser 4 Mozilla finally officially released on Tuesday (22 / 3 / 2011). This latest browser staying digadang will provide the experience of accessing the web faster, convenient, and easy to adjust the needs of 400 million users of the Mozilla browser in the world today. "Firefox puts the user as full control of experience on the web, providing a neat appearance, features new, fun, speed is much improved, and supports modern web technologies, "wrote Mozilla team on its website.
the most obvious change is in terms of appearance. Like the other browser developers, it looks cleaner with concise menu . Web page into the center spotlight in the middle. Available Tabs App feature where a web site address the most frequently visited. There is also a Panorama feature to gather multiple tabs into one category for the display remain comfortable when opening multiple tabs.
However, users still given the freedom to customize the browser view with the availability of features Persona.
Extension and the add on
Firefox mainstay since the beginning of browser features that can enrich personally selected.
speed web access with Firefox 4 is claimed to six times more than the previous version, Firefox 3.6. Combined with support for hardware-based graphical features on today's computers, this browser also supports access to rich multimedia content. This browser also has full support HTML5 technology, HD video (WebM), and 3D graphics.
This time, users are also more comfortable because of crashes in one page does not affect the other pages. When all of a sudden page being opened crashes because of Flash content, QuickTime, or Silverlight is not working perfectly, other pages can still be accessed.
Firefox 4 is available for users running Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X and is available in 80 languages \u200b\u200bof instruction. In the near Firefox 4 also will be available a mobile version for smartphones and Android and Maemo-based devices. Firefox 4 Mobile is currently only available version of Release Candidate (RC). Firefox 4 can be downloaded free of charge at

How Often Do You Get A Brazillian

STAGE Catfish spawning

After a while refreshing with a post "from a different topic now re-focus on the topic of fish. The previous stage we have discussed about the requirements for the location and how to choose good breeders. In this thapan I will discuss on how the breeding of catfish. spawning methods we will study this time is the entry level of spawning method (traditional method), but do not worry even though the method still beginner stage but with a genuine business results obtained seed will be plentiful. The method that I have to say here based on some references that I learned and also based on breeding practices that I have done.

The steps we need to do include:

broodstock selection, broodstock selection to be seen how on my previous post. Pick a breeding male and one female tail which is really in accordance with the criteria that I have to say. (For certain circumstances such as breeding females that are too small then you can change the ratio of 1 male: 1 female to 1 male: 2 females).
After the selection phase is completed enter the broodstock catfish in ponds that had been given kakaban (can be fibers, palm leaves or even tile soil) and filled with water of about 30 cm. Make the process of selection and placement in the pool in the afternoon between the hours of 3 to 5 pm (this is intended to allow breeders to adapt to his new environment terhadapa night before spawning day.
  1. spawning process will occurred in the period between midnight until early morning. To keep in mind during the parent was in the pool spawning catfish do not feed as it can memcu stress. Let the parent
  2. catfish during spawning in the pond overnight and you can check the pool at about 5 o'clock in the morning until six o'clock. if successful spawning process will seem small granules creamy attached to the fibers. Usually each broodstock catfish healthy and good will mengelurkan eggs between 20,000 to 30,000 eggs per kg body weight females.
  3. next step is taking broodstock from the spawning pond. Intake of breeders can use seser provided as calm as possible so that breeders do not do much movement that can damage the egg in the vicinity (there are several methods that allow breeders males remain in the pool until a certain age, but the method that I practice is to capture all sires)
  4. Parent catfish that has taken the place in a separate pool (do not dicapur with broodstock Another catfish). That is because the spawning process requires considerable energy, so the parent catfish in a weak condition and risky attacked by other catfish broodstock.
  5. Back on eggs that are spawning pool. Catfish ponds containing eggs should begin to be running water to supply oxygen to the water (because the hatching process requires oxygen, it is also the underlying water for spawning only 30 cm so that the diffusion of oxygen from the air can help the process of hatching.
  6. After 1-3 days usually catfish eggs will begin to hatch into larvae that colored transparent catfish. hatching process will take place gradually takes 2-3 days
  7. After hatching process is complete you can take kakaban who was in the pool by way of making a little shaken "it so no catfish larvae attached / carried dikakaban (kakaban making necessary so as not to arise mushrooms attached to the kakaban and cause larvae attacked by fungi)
  8. catfish larvae have hatched do not need to be fed until the age of 4 days because the range in the span of the availability of food for the larvae are still dipenihi by the yolk (yellow eggs) from the larvae themselves.
  9. For the next phase I will discuss in SEED STAGE MAINTENANCE catfish.

Letter Asking For Housing Allowance

Solutions Make The Bored With Pake Car Tires

1000% No EDITING ..... . This photo was taken at an arts festival in the city of Yogyakarta, how interested to try it, hehehehehehe

Online Getting Pregnancy Games

Why Today is celebrated as a day of global water .... Liat

Did you know about World Water Day? Day is celebrated all citizens of the world every March 22, since endorsed by the WHO in 1992, probably was not as famous as the day of AIDS or Earth Day, but no less important. World Water Day is a day where we remember the importance of clean drinking water supplies and safe, and well aware that there are still many people in this world (approximately 20% of the world population) who do not have access to clean drinking water.
Unfortunately, although supported by WHO and various NGOs across the world, the World Water Day is still little known. Maybe you own the first time hearing about this important day. Though the problem of clean water shortage is a problem inherent with most people everyday in Indonesia. In Jakarta alone, about 700,000 customers of clean piped water supply problems during the dry season last year. Not only customers PAM, some households that rely on groundwater for its water needs also experienced difficulty in obtaining clean water. In addition to the dry season which resulted in a decrease of clean water supply, supply airpun threatened pollution problem of household waste and industrial waste. Sometimes water is available only salt water or muddy water and even smell. Can you imagine not having clean water to drink? You know to maintain health and body functioning properly and correctly, we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And of course the water is not haphazard, but pure water, because only pure water is guaranteed not to contain contaminants that can make you sick. Households that suffered a water crisis did not even have enough water to bathe or wash clothes, even more so to meet the needs of drinking water.

So what can you do on World Water Day this year? You can start from small steps to teach your family the importance of pure drinking water and how many people who do not have access to pure drinking water. That way, you inculcate the habit of drinking pure water and also because the appreciation will be lucky they will easily get pure drinking water. For activities that are a little bigger, maybe you can organize charitable activities in the area of \u200b\u200bhousing or office and raise donations bottled pure drinking water. You can then distribute the collected bottles to areas in need. You can also conduct community service to clean up rivers and streams around your house. You can also search for information through mailing lists various environmentalists groups to determine their activities to commemorate World Water Day. For example, on World Water Day 2007, students staged a highlight ITS Kalimas River conditions are already alarming. Maybe this year there are similar activities that you can participate.

Whatever activity you choose, whether it's small activities such as teaching the importance of family and friends Day Air, or large events such as organizing donations pure bottled water to donate, it all means. So do not forget to mark March 22 on your calendar and start thinking about what you can do to commemorate this important day.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Where Are Some South Park Doujinshi

hundreds of ordinary catfish hell but how if hundreds of fish on this one

'll often see ya ..... hehehehehehehe ..... if hundreds of fish of this one how

what fish? Arowana fish ...... this really, hehehehe this is not the edits sotosop etc. These fish are breeding arowana arowana in a nursery center ....... at this place there are about 1500 Arowana parent who lives on the ground like a swimming pool catfish.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Non-responsiveness Eyes Open

SekilasTentang Fish Mas

SekilasTentang Fish Mas
goldfish is a species of freshwater fish consumption, body elongated and laterally compressed software. Carp has been maintained since the year 475 BC in China. In Indonesia carp began to be maintained around 1920. Carp found in Indonesia is a goldfish that was brought from China, Europe, Taiwan and Japan. Punten and Majalaya goldfish are the result of selection in Indonesia. Until now there are some goldfish that can be identified based on morphological characteristics.

Classification of Fish Mas
Class: Osteichthyes Child class: Actinopterygii Nation : Cypriniformes
Tribe: Marga
Cyprinidae: Cyprinus

Type ;:

Cyprinus carpio

Multiple Race or Stain Fish Mas
Currently goldfish has a lot of races or stain. Differences nature and characteristics of the race caused by the interaction between genotype and environmental pond, season and seen how the maintenance of physical appearance, body shape and color. As for the characteristics of several strains of common carp are as follows:

Punten goldfish: dark green scales; short cuts most agencies; high dorsal widens; eyes slightly protruding; agile movements; comparison between the length and height body between 2,3:1.
  • goldfish Majalaya: scales grayish green with edges of scales darker; high backs; its body is relatively short, slow movements, when given foods like swimming in surface water; ratio of body length with body height between 3,2:1.
  • the goldfish mistress: bright yellow scales; relative body length; eye on young fish do not stand out, while adult fish slanted eyes, his movements slow, more like being on the water surface; comparison with a body length of height between 3,6:1.
  • goldfish taiwan: scales yellowish green; relative body length; cross section rounded back, eyes slightly protruding; more nimble movement and active, with a high ratio of body length between 3.5:1.
  • koi carp fish: a round shape and bersisisk full length, color scales, such as a variety of white, yellow, red, or combinations of these colors. Some races are long tail Indonesian Koi Carp, long tail platinm nishikigoi, platinum nishikigoi, long tail shusui nishikigoi, shusi nishikigoi, Kohaku hishikigoi, lonh hishikigoi tail, long tail and taishusanshoku nshikigoi taishusanshoku nishikigoi.

Fotos Gratuitas De Russianbare

SekilasTentang Nila

Glance tilapia
Tilapia is a freshwater species of fish consumption with elongated body shape and flattened laterally and white color black. Sungal tilapia from the Nile and the surrounding lakes. Now this fish has spread to countries on five continents, tropical and subtropical climates. Meanwhile, in a cold climate region, can not live tilapia Tilapia well liked by all nations because of the meat nice and thick like a red snapper fish meat.
fish seed is officially brought to Indonesia by the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center in 1969. After a period of research and adaptation, then fish is distributed to farmers throughout Indonesia. Tilapia is a uniquely Indonesian name given by the Government through the Director General of Fisheries.

Classification tilapia
tilapia Classification is as follows:
Class: Osteichthyes
Sub -grade: Acanthoptherigii
Crdo : Percomorphi
Sub-order: Percoidea
Family: Cichlidae Genus
Oreochromis species: Oreochromis niloticus

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Election To Parent Catfish Spawning

n Her head is smaller than the parent female catfish.
Figure 1. Parent catfish janta
  • chest skin color a bit old when compared to the parent female catfish.
  • urogenital papilla (sex) rather prominent, extending to the rear, situated behind the anus, and reddish color.
  • Movement is nimble, bone head short and somewhat flattened (depress).
  • more slender and supple stomach when compared to the parent female catfish.
  • When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach to the tail will be issued a thick white fluid (spermatozoa-mani).
  • Skin softer than the parent female catfish.
  • 2. The characteristics of the parent female catfish

head catfish larger than the male parent.
Figure 2. Parent female catfish
  • chest skin color a bit brighter.
  • urogenital papilla (sex) oval (round leaves), reddish, the hole is rather wide and located behind the anus.
  • Movement is slow, the skull is short and slightly convex.
  • His stomach is more bloated and soft.
  • When the stomach in the stripping (sorted slowly from the stomach toward the front of the genitals) manually will issue small yellowish granules (ovum / egg).
3. Terms of catfish a good parent:
Her skin is rough compared to catfish male parent.
  • Parent catfish taken from catfish reared in ponds since childhood so accustomed to living in the pool (if the parent is obtained from the buying process of adaptation should be done in advance the range of> 1 week)
  • His weight ranged
    between 1000 - 2000 gram.
  • symmetrical body shape, not bent, no defect, no wounds, and mercurial.
  • male Age over seven months, while one-year-old female.
  • spawning frequency could be once a month, and throughout his life could be spawning more than 15 times with the requirement if the food contains enough protein.
  • 4. The characteristics of the parent is ready to spawn catfish

prospective parent looks started in pairs, the chase between a male and a female. Parent was immediately arrested and placed in separate pools for spawning.
  • male broodstock catfish in the process of stripping out white fluid (sperm)
  • belly looks mengembung female broodstock and when done the process of stripping out a small yellow grains (eggs)

Care catfish parent
During spawning and the period of treatment, the parent catfish fed high protein levels, such as chopped meat (can be various kinds of meat), or artificial food (pellets). Need catfish pellets with a relatively high protein content, ie ± 60%.
    (in addition to feeding pellets should be as distraction, concentration of minced meat every 4-7 days)
  • Food given morning and afternoon with the amount of 5-10% of the total weight of fish.
  • Immediately separate the parent-parent who started weak or who became ill to be treated immediately.
  • Try to replace the water every certain period, the change can be done as a whole or by reducing the 75% volume filling with water and then carried new water.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is Breast Feeding Your Husband Halal In Islam


we still have to ask why we should love the sea ......... .... hundreds of thousands and millions ..... ..... and for some air let alone all the beauty is there ....
masihkah should not ask for love and keep the debris of this paradise .....