Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Why Today is celebrated as a day of global water .... Liat

Did you know about World Water Day? Day is celebrated all citizens of the world every March 22, since endorsed by the WHO in 1992, probably was not as famous as the day of AIDS or Earth Day, but no less important. World Water Day is a day where we remember the importance of clean drinking water supplies and safe, and well aware that there are still many people in this world (approximately 20% of the world population) who do not have access to clean drinking water.
Unfortunately, although supported by WHO and various NGOs across the world, the World Water Day is still little known. Maybe you own the first time hearing about this important day. Though the problem of clean water shortage is a problem inherent with most people everyday in Indonesia. In Jakarta alone, about 700,000 customers of clean piped water supply problems during the dry season last year. Not only customers PAM, some households that rely on groundwater for its water needs also experienced difficulty in obtaining clean water. In addition to the dry season which resulted in a decrease of clean water supply, supply airpun threatened pollution problem of household waste and industrial waste. Sometimes water is available only salt water or muddy water and even smell. Can you imagine not having clean water to drink? You know to maintain health and body functioning properly and correctly, we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And of course the water is not haphazard, but pure water, because only pure water is guaranteed not to contain contaminants that can make you sick. Households that suffered a water crisis did not even have enough water to bathe or wash clothes, even more so to meet the needs of drinking water.

So what can you do on World Water Day this year? You can start from small steps to teach your family the importance of pure drinking water and how many people who do not have access to pure drinking water. That way, you inculcate the habit of drinking pure water and also because the appreciation will be lucky they will easily get pure drinking water. For activities that are a little bigger, maybe you can organize charitable activities in the area of \u200b\u200bhousing or office and raise donations bottled pure drinking water. You can then distribute the collected bottles to areas in need. You can also conduct community service to clean up rivers and streams around your house. You can also search for information through mailing lists various environmentalists groups to determine their activities to commemorate World Water Day. For example, on World Water Day 2007, students staged a highlight ITS Kalimas River conditions are already alarming. Maybe this year there are similar activities that you can participate.

Whatever activity you choose, whether it's small activities such as teaching the importance of family and friends Day Air, or large events such as organizing donations pure bottled water to donate, it all means. So do not forget to mark March 22 on your calendar and start thinking about what you can do to commemorate this important day.

source: www.luvin.co.id


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