Sunday, March 20, 2011

What To Write In Wedding Card When Using It

Election To Parent Catfish Spawning

n Her head is smaller than the parent female catfish.
Figure 1. Parent catfish janta
  • chest skin color a bit old when compared to the parent female catfish.
  • urogenital papilla (sex) rather prominent, extending to the rear, situated behind the anus, and reddish color.
  • Movement is nimble, bone head short and somewhat flattened (depress).
  • more slender and supple stomach when compared to the parent female catfish.
  • When the stomach in stripping it manually from the stomach to the tail will be issued a thick white fluid (spermatozoa-mani).
  • Skin softer than the parent female catfish.
  • 2. The characteristics of the parent female catfish

head catfish larger than the male parent.
Figure 2. Parent female catfish
  • chest skin color a bit brighter.
  • urogenital papilla (sex) oval (round leaves), reddish, the hole is rather wide and located behind the anus.
  • Movement is slow, the skull is short and slightly convex.
  • His stomach is more bloated and soft.
  • When the stomach in the stripping (sorted slowly from the stomach toward the front of the genitals) manually will issue small yellowish granules (ovum / egg).
3. Terms of catfish a good parent:
Her skin is rough compared to catfish male parent.
  • Parent catfish taken from catfish reared in ponds since childhood so accustomed to living in the pool (if the parent is obtained from the buying process of adaptation should be done in advance the range of> 1 week)
  • His weight ranged
    between 1000 - 2000 gram.
  • symmetrical body shape, not bent, no defect, no wounds, and mercurial.
  • male Age over seven months, while one-year-old female.
  • spawning frequency could be once a month, and throughout his life could be spawning more than 15 times with the requirement if the food contains enough protein.
  • 4. The characteristics of the parent is ready to spawn catfish

prospective parent looks started in pairs, the chase between a male and a female. Parent was immediately arrested and placed in separate pools for spawning.
  • male broodstock catfish in the process of stripping out white fluid (sperm)
  • belly looks mengembung female broodstock and when done the process of stripping out a small yellow grains (eggs)

Care catfish parent
During spawning and the period of treatment, the parent catfish fed high protein levels, such as chopped meat (can be various kinds of meat), or artificial food (pellets). Need catfish pellets with a relatively high protein content, ie ± 60%.
    (in addition to feeding pellets should be as distraction, concentration of minced meat every 4-7 days)
  • Food given morning and afternoon with the amount of 5-10% of the total weight of fish.
  • Immediately separate the parent-parent who started weak or who became ill to be treated immediately.
  • Try to replace the water every certain period, the change can be done as a whole or by reducing the 75% volume filling with water and then carried new water.


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